Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Don't Go Away Mad...Just Go Away

So, I feel my time here at Robot P0rn has come to an end. My posts are rare and my voice is a lot less passionate. Rather than doing something half-hearted and mediocre, it's best to step away gracefully and make room for someone else who has more to say in a much more entertaining fashion.

While I've enjoyed all the words I've put up and the angry bullets I can shoot out through the barrel of my writing, it would be dishonest and a discredit to all 2 of our readers for me to continue when I know it's time to move along.

Not all partnerships are meant to last, and at times a brief hiatus is in order to keep the peace, and sometimes a more permanent separation is more appropriate. Either way, I'm going to be 35 years old shortly, and I'd rather spend the short bursts of energy I have left in the pursuit of adventures still waiting for me in the company of people who appreciate whatever form of crazy I always end up bringing to the table.

In other words, life's too short to live one minute of it tolerating what doesn't make you happy.

Like I look back on all my past lovers; appreciating them for all they have taught me, the sensations they brought out, and the smiles they plastered on my face, I will look back at my brief term on this forum fondly.

Of course I won't stop writing, and I can be found out there with stories that run too long, spelling errors I missed before posting, and raging, crying, laughing, and living in a voice all my own. It just won't be here any longer.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

My Governor's Ball Experience Part 3

               DAY 3

1.      Haim
2.      Freddie Gibbs
3.      Griz + Haim
4.      Cold War Kids
5.      Portugal the Man
6.      Foals
7.      Yeasayer
8.      The Lumineers
9.      Grizzly Bear
10.    Kanye West

Monday, July 8, 2013

My Governor's Ball Experience in 3 Parts 2

            DAY 2

1.      Wild Nothing
2.      Icona Pop
3.      Japandroids
4.      Fucked Up
5.      Alt J
6.      Cut Copy
7.      Kings of Leon
8.      Guns ‘n’ Roses

Sunday, June 30, 2013

My Governor's Ball Experience In 3 Parts

              If I could use one word to describe my Governor’s Ball experience it would have to be….

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Super Star Trek!

                Dear reader,

                                Please do not read this blog if you intend to watch, or bootleg Star Trek: Into Darkness. It contains spoilers a plenty and a lot of mushiness, and plenty of J.J. Abrams love. If none of these things interest you please stop reading right…..now.

                                                                                       The Chef & J

Facebook: How I Hate/Hate You (Sorta)

I have a hate/hate relationship with all things Facebook. Well maybe not just hate. I would say 80%/20% hate to love relationship with it. I love how we all have become connected by the triteness of posting photos of every meal we eat, and letting people know

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Iron Bland 3

                Usually when I write about a subject I spend two to three hours checking facts, editing, and constructing an intro, a body, and a conclusion for you our dear readers. But this one is an easy hour

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

A More Satisfying Work Environment

                If you’re like 99.9% of everyone out there chances are you are not satisfied with your current job. Whether it is because you don’t like what you are doing or just because you hate your commute/boss/associates/dress or any number of things associated

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Movies I’m (Not) Looking Forward To

                So most people put out a list of movies they cannot wait to see this summer.
                Well I’m not one of those people. I’m strictly anti-establishment, with a side of anarchy mixed in. I’m from the wrong side of the tracks. Bellerose, New York which has virtually no

Monday, March 25, 2013

I’ll see you at Crapplebee’s

So you’ve read our previous blog on the do’s and don’ts of eating out (and if you don’t remember it here’s the link) and now you want to apply the teachings we have passed onto you in a real world scenario. Lucky for you our faithful readers the Chef and I

Saturday, March 16, 2013

All The Things You Don’t Want To Know About Me But I’ll Tell You Anyway

Well you might know a little bit about myself and the Chef I brought up to her the idea of sharing a little more information about us, so that you our faithful reader might get to know us better. Not that her or I really hide all that much

Thursday, March 7, 2013

I’ll Drink To That

There was a time I never drank any beer. That was around when I was 21 or 22 years old. Never really saw the excitement of it. Most of my friends who drank did it till they passed out or threw up in my car. Thank God for 24 car washes. But also financially not

Friday, February 1, 2013

Friendship In All Its Forms

The relationships that we make in this life are what make life worth living. You can go out and date a bunch of different people in your lifetime but for the most part those people pass in and out of your life. I’m sure there is some statistic out on the internet saying we all date 5.5 people before finding the ‘right’ one. 

But a friendship is something that can outlive any relationship. I

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Dating Is Easy For About 30 Seconds

                We all have those horror stories. All are variations on the same story.  Friends saying let’s get together there is someone I would like you to meet. Or you go to a friend’s birthday and you see someone you haven’t seen in awhile. Either way, you go through that awkward feeling out process and then proceed to

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

13 Dwarves, a Hobbit, and Gandalf: A Totally Expected Journey

So usually when I write a blog I really think things through before putting them down for your consumption. I am a slave to what I explained to Chef is what I have dubbed “the routine”. It is where I do things in a certain order every time no matter what it is. Like when I wake up for work I’m up at 3 am and