Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Don't Go Away Mad...Just Go Away

So, I feel my time here at Robot P0rn has come to an end. My posts are rare and my voice is a lot less passionate. Rather than doing something half-hearted and mediocre, it's best to step away gracefully and make room for someone else who has more to say in a much more entertaining fashion.

While I've enjoyed all the words I've put up and the angry bullets I can shoot out through the barrel of my writing, it would be dishonest and a discredit to all 2 of our readers for me to continue when I know it's time to move along.

Not all partnerships are meant to last, and at times a brief hiatus is in order to keep the peace, and sometimes a more permanent separation is more appropriate. Either way, I'm going to be 35 years old shortly, and I'd rather spend the short bursts of energy I have left in the pursuit of adventures still waiting for me in the company of people who appreciate whatever form of crazy I always end up bringing to the table.

In other words, life's too short to live one minute of it tolerating what doesn't make you happy.

Like I look back on all my past lovers; appreciating them for all they have taught me, the sensations they brought out, and the smiles they plastered on my face, I will look back at my brief term on this forum fondly.

Of course I won't stop writing, and I can be found out there with stories that run too long, spelling errors I missed before posting, and raging, crying, laughing, and living in a voice all my own. It just won't be here any longer.

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