Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Super Star Trek!

                Dear reader,

                                Please do not read this blog if you intend to watch, or bootleg Star Trek: Into Darkness. It contains spoilers a plenty and a lot of mushiness, and plenty of J.J. Abrams love. If none of these things interest you please stop reading right…..now.

                                                                                       The Chef & J
                Star Trek: Into Darkness is the best movie I have seen this year. It is everything you can ask for in a summer movie. It’s funny, tragic, tense, action packed, sad, and uplifting all the while never feeling like you’ve wasted $21 and two plus hours of your time. This is how I felt after the majority of the movies I have seen this year. Cough *Iron Man 3, Hansel & Gretel* Cough. This was as fun an experience I’ve have had in the theater in a long time. I guess I should have expected no less from the folks at Bad Robot especially their head honcho J.J. Abrams. He is right on the Mount Rushmore of geek gods creating movies right now along with Joss Whedon, and Guillermo Del Toro (I will once again plug his film Pacific Rim. Go watch the new trailer for that film and just geek bro) who can do no wrong as far as making just really good films. Abrams and crew are the prefect bunch to try and revive the dead Star Wars franchise. Hell he saved the Enterprise he might as well save Luke, Leia, and Han.
                But back to Star Trek which again I will say please go see and just enjoy the film. Even a person such as myself who loves to rip films apart just sat there and enjoyed the visual feast on screen. If my eyes could scream with joy they would have. The world is just vibrant on screen. One of the few times I haven’t felt ripped off seeing a film in IMAX. The 3D still felt tacked on as it does with almost every film except for Avatar but it doesn’t get in the way of the film either. This is one of those need to see it in IMAX films to get the full experience. You might even want to go twice just to pick up on everything that is happening that you may miss on first viewing.
                I honestly had not been excited for this film at all. I was going to see it but the trailers had not wowed me like Pacific Rim has been doing on a consistent basis. Then I was reading my New York Magazine and I read this article here: http://nymag.com/movies/reviews/star-trek-frances-ha-edelstein-2013-5/ . For some reason this jackass thought it was ok to reveal that Benedict Cumberbatch was playing legendary Star Trek baddy Khan. I don’t know if this had been known on the internet for awhile or not since I had not been reading anything about this film but man was I pissed when I was told who he was. It spoiled what would have been a hugely, awesome surprise had I gone into the theater not knowing who he was. And it definitely was a surprise as the crowd I was with in the theater popped huge when he said his name. For those of you who don’t know Khan is considered the greatest Star Trek villain ever. Star Trek 2: The Wrath of Khan is also considered the greatest Star Trek movie ever. I am a Next Generation guy so for me the film I always liked the best was First Contact but Khan is definitely a great film. I can remember as it was yesterday when I was 8 years old my Mom would walk around the house and sometimes would say the line “From hells heart I stab at thee”. My Mom has always been a Trek fan, and she has the photos with Gene Roddenberry  to prove it.
                So this film is in many ways an homage/copy of Trek 2 and I don’t mind at all. And why that is a good thing is Khan. The man comes off as highly intelligent but also can beat anybody physically as well. He is the Nietzsche superman in its most ideal form. He is basically a one man army who shreds through Starfleet like they are boys and he’s a man among them. Just a word on the actor Bendict Cumberbatch; the dude can act. That shouldn’t be surprising since he is British and there aren’t that many crappy British actors. The dude is compelling every second he is on the screen. The was he says things, the way he walks, the way he looks at people. There were some scenes the camera has him staring at the audience and I won’t lie I was kind of intimidated. And it’s not because I’m a pansy in real life the dude comes off as just that intense. He really is an awesome actor and it was his movie.
This dude is just badass. Look at the eyes.
                All the rest of the actors do all their characters justice. It is very hard to do a franchise that has characters who have been around for 50 years but these actors show respect to those before them while giving them new life.
                The ultimate compliment I can give this film is that I did not want to rip it apart. Usually I rip every film I see apart. This isn’t realistic, that wouldn’t happen, no way he would have survived that, etc. Watching Star Trek: Into Darkness I didn’t want to do any of that. I didn’t want to nitpick anything I saw. I had so much fun watching it I just wanted to enjoy the experience I had and that was it. Star Trek: Into Darkness is a definite thumbs up and one of my favorite movies this year. Take yourself and someone you care about to the movies and enjoy.
Best film of the year


I have nothing but love for this movie. It was just visually enjoyable to watch, and I have no snark whatsoever inside me to aim at  STAR TREK. I advice you to see it in IMAX 3D. Mortal Vision will not suffice. I advise you to pee before going into the theater because you won't want to miss a thing. And I advise you to buy some popcorn, some chocolate and a soda. I like dumping my chocolate inside my popcorn bag and making a salty/sweet/chocolatey snack medley.

I loved this movie so much that I'm putting it out there right now, that this Halloween if someone wants to be the Spock to my Uhura, I'll do your ears and everything. I really just want to wear that super-cute red mini-shirt-dress. Hit me up if you're interested!!

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