Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Everything is Politics

Everything is Politics
                Honestly I hate what politics does to people. Much like religion it turns ordinary good people into biased, crazed, partial lunatics who cannot be talked to nor reasoned with. This presidential election I feel like has been a more heated, testy election then in any of the previous ones because of the state of the economy. Things are tough on everyone
and we look for the government to bail us out I feel. The reality is we are in a depression and those do not go away overnight.
                Naturally if things do not get better we tend to blame those in power starting of course with the President. He is after all the leader of the free world and the man who we elect to lead us. But it turns out that maybe the seeds for this depression were created long before we elected Barack Obama as President.
                I can promise that this article will have many errors in it. I definitely will not have all the facts, and chances are the facts I do have might be mixed up and even wrong. But here is what I do know; I fear that Mitt Romney might win this election.
                Let me get this out there right now so that there is no confusion. I plan on voting for Barack Obama next Tuesday. I do this because I feel like he is the right man to lead our country and that he has gotten an unfair shake by all these people who say he has done a bad job. He came into an economy that was about to turn down due to things done in George W. Bush administration. So he came in already behind the eight ball. He inherited a war on terror, a failing economy, and an unbalanced budget that was left behind and he had to deal with it. Needless to say that would be a tough task for any President to deal with.
                What I find refreshing is the way he admits things. At the debates he would admit things have been tough and many things have not gone as planned. And he has said some things he would have done differently. Not many people would admit their mistakes let alone to the people who are responsible for helping him keep his job. But he owned up to it and that says a lot.
                I know zero about Obamacare other than if it affords everyone the chance to get health care regardless of economic status then I am all for it. People complain about health care all the time but then when we need help we are the first ones to put our hands out. Why not just have plans in place that affords us options?
                He helped revive the auto industry with the bailouts he put in place when most car companies were failing. At the time I thought he was wasting my money. Yet here we are years later and the loans have been paid back and those companies are stronger than ever.
                He supports gay marriages which to me if you do not then you are just a moron. If two people love each other don’t get in there way and say they can’t just because you have preconceived notions of what a couple should be. My cousin and his partner just got married a few weeks ago and they looked happier than any other day of their lives. Why would you want to deny people being happy?
                I think these are more than enough good reasons to re-elect him and I also have just as many reasons why we should not elect Mitt Romney.
                Again I preface this by saying I do not have all the facts and what I do write may be wrong. But this is what I can gleam from what I have heard and read. Mitt Romney seems to change his ideas every time it suites him. His famous 47% comment is not something a president does. Imagine if Obama said I am going to work for only the people who voted for me and not who voted against me. No way would he ever get re-elected. And yet Romney said that he cannot please everyone and won’t work to bridge that gap. Is that a President talking? Would a President say, “Well I know I can’t change their minds so I’m not even going to try”. The President after Hurricane Sandy went to New Jersey whose governor Chris Christie is one of the biggest anti-Obama Republicans out there. And yet the President made the visit and then did a news conference where Christie went out of his way to praise all the things he was doing to help the people of the state. Romney does not support government intervention in natural disasters such as Sandy. Well it sure looks like the governments help during Sandy is much appreciated by the people who have lost everything.
                And what was Romney doing while the President was taking care of this natural disaster? He was at a food bank collecting canned food for the victims. Yeah good job bro.
                Romney wants to lie about exporting of auto jobs to China which the car companies themselves are saying is a lie. Romney did not support the bail out of the auto industry and now he’s trying to get over in Ohio by saying the President wants to send those jobs overseas.
                Mitt Romney says he wants to help create jobs and he knows how to do it. Well he worked at Bain Capital which is a financial services company that at last count was worth $66 billion. He started the company with $37 million in startups. How many middle class businesses start with $37 million in assets? Last checked he is estimated to be worth $250 million. A millionaire who owns multiple homes knows the struggle of the middle class? How can you create jobs when you have never had to struggle?
                Most annoying to me though are Romney supporters. They are so biased in there dislike of Obama that anything that Romney says they are willing to take as the truth. I have a friend on Facebook who is a big pro-Romney supporter. He puts up all these anti-Obama posts that at first I would respond too because they were just infuriating to me. They came off as piety and low and I just wanted to be a jerk back. But then I realized that there is no reasoning with an irrational person. Why write back when in their mind they think they are right and are not willing to be open about the possibility they might be looking at things the wrong way? Finally I just started laughing cause the stuff is so ridiculous I could not take it seriously anymore. Romney doesn’t have to make himself look like a clown (like when he tries to talk foreign policy) these people who support him do it for him.
                I like to always say that I am a very open person about things. I will listen to your argument and if it makes sense I will buy into it. But I pray that those people who tell me Romney should win are wrong and that next Tuesday we re-elect the President for a second term. I just feel it in my bones that Romney is a wrong choice for America. A man who cannot give specific points as to how he would help create jobs or cut taxes and only spends his time bashing the President instead of laying out real solutions is not the man who should be President. I’d rather have the person who admits he is not perfect and wants to keep working for us and a better tomorrow.
                That is what our 44th President can do…

 Sooooo......I screwed up and didn't write my piece in time so this post could be published after the elections.

Sorry! But in my defense, 2 jobs is a bitch to work and November is my busy season.

So, here's what I have to say about this country's political climate. I can appreciate the difference in opinion regarding how the current economy should be handled. It's a huge problem that will take many different types of solutions to try to overcome. 

What sucks is the blatant ignorant scum that have come out of the woodwork under the guise of an elephant waving a Red State flag. Any way you cut it- a racist is a racist. Belittling a man because he looks a lot different from you is flat out racism. 

So listen up Wonder Bread White America- you wanna call me a tree-hugging, animal-saving, stop-and-smell-the-roses, steal-from-the-evil-rich-to-feed-the-suffering-poor Lefty-McLefterson-Liberal- then go right ahead. If you call me a border-jumping, lazy-welfare-collecting, ghetto-baby-making immigrant, I will kick you in the balls with my clearance item boots, slap my 25% income tax rate in your face, and call you a fucking racist. 

If the wing-tips fit.....

1- A white man, paying a 10% income tax rate, living in a house bigger than my high school does NOT have the right to tell me what me and my vagina can and cannot do. No one is gonna make me give birth to the Anti-Christ Rape baby that was made because my birth control is not covered by my insurance company, and I MUST have wanted it because my body did not naturally reject the rape sperm coming at my orifice. Fucking morons.

2- Why ANYONE would want to be married to ONE person the rest of their life is beyond me, but if two men or two women want to do it- I could give a shit. Let EVERYONE have the right to be miserable equally. 

3- A gay hand isn't any less capable to firing a gun than a straight hand. I can't do 5 situps without being winded. If GI Jane can do 200 sit ups and still run into the dessert and kill terrorist without breaking a sweat- then the fact that she likes muff-diving SHOULD NOT stop her from doing so. Use your common sense, you fucking bigots. Gay military personnel WANT to be there. Try bringing back the draft and see how many straight volunteers  you'll get to come out with their authentic patriotic passion.

Obama won.

Get over it. The world didn't end. Things will get better. And as far as I am concerned, Texas can cut themselves off from the rest of the country, and I will bake them their Bon Voyage cake, to boot. 

If we Lefty's survived 8 years of George W, then all you racist fucktards will be just fine, if not better 4 years from now.

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