Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Robot P0rn

As with so many of my stories it all starts at the Triple Crown Diner in Bellerose, NY one late night with my friend Katherine (who shall be henceforth be referred to by her nom de plume Chef Queenie). We are seated enjoying our obligatory food stuff of choice, which in this case is a BLT for her and two eggs scrambled for
me. And the Chef says to me, “Why don’t we start a blog”?

And I look at her and say, “What about”?

 That is where this journey for us begins. She and I have always had opinions on everything. But not to the point that we are not willing to listen to the other person who will try and explain to us why we believe what we believe. I have always felt that is most important to be able to listen to a person explain why they have the opinion they have and not just dismiss them and said opinion. Lord knows that happens a lot in this world.

We live with people judging our words every single day of our lives when we are at work, public, or social situations. Think about it the last time you were at a bar and you heard someone say something that just made you roll your eyes. If you are like me, maybe you laughed at the person for saying, “I like Pepsi more than Coke” or “I waited on line at the Apple store for an hour but it was worth it so I could spend $80 on my iPhone case”.

But who am I to judge what this person says. I could think they are a complete moron to believe these things. But maybe if they explained to me why they thought those things that maybe they would not seem so moronic in my eyes. Maybe I would be in the wrong because it turns out that person likes Pepsi because it was something they bonded with friends over a summer. Or the iPhone case was a gift for a Mom or Dad that they really wanted to get them not because they thought it was cool to spend $80 but because they thought they would like the design.

My point is there is always a different way to look at every opinion. Sometimes we can just be blinded by the fact we feel our opinion is right and no other one matters. I am definitely guilty of this. When I formulate an opinion I can be stubborn as all hell about why I feel the way I do. I do not mean to be that way, but I am. It is why having Queenie (and yes I might use Chef, or Queenie but maybe never both together so keep up people) as my friend is so great.

The one thing her and I have always been able to do for each other through good and bad is be able to hear each others opinion and then for us to tell the other person, honestly, what the other thinks. And we do not get mad or offended (most of the time) about it, but we take it to heart and think about it. Cause in the end her and I always will look out for, and want what is best for each other. It’s the one thing we have always done for each other.

It is what friends do.
Anyway getting back to the origin of this blog, before I go off on a tangent about robot porn (which if you are curious is the first blogs subject)…As we sat we began to think what would be a good idea for a blog. And what we came up with is a he said/she said type of thing. A lot of the times we might take the pro vs. con motif because that happens a lot with her and me. She likes something that I find baffling like her short lived fascination with Mike “Cooler Then Me” Posner. And with me it’s that she does not like U2 which is understandable seeing as how they are the biggest band of in the world that has sold over 300 million records.

Other times, I think we will just come to the table and write about a subject from the perspective of a man and a woman. We are different based on the body parts we were born with and that changes the interpretations of the way we see things. Most of all it will be fun to write on a weekly basis and see what someone else thinks. I look forward reading it as much as anything else.

But as to what this blog will cover it will be whatever fits our fancy. Music. Movies. Dating. Food. Pet peeves. Work. Experiences. Anything we might like to write about we are going to write about it. And hopefully many of you will want to read it as well. Because if we get less than 10 hits a weak this blog is going the way of the dinosaurs anyway. I’m not doing this unless we get as many hits as Google does.

Well maybe that’s exaggerating a little bit.

So what say yee Chef Queenie?


Robot Porn? Why Robot Porn? First, if you try and type in our blog name, please note that the O in P0rn is actually a 0 (zero). That’s so it doesn't seem like we're browsing porn at work. If it's used enough, they block the site. Bummer.

Robot P0rn was a term we sort of crowned the Transformer movie franchise. Lack of story. Lack of talent. Lack of many things (in my opinion) and all you have left is Robot P0rn. I won’t get into it too much because then I won’t have anything left to banter with when we tackle this topic on our next post.

Yes, we all have opinions. And like someone once said, Opinions are like assholes; everyone has one and it usually stinks. Well, mine doesn’t, but that’s irrelevant. I could argue for hours on end about why Coke is better than Pepsi, why I refuse to take a bite out of the Fanboy Apple craze, or why mayonnaise is more disgusting than coagulated grease, but what fun is that if you don’t have an opposing opinion coming back at you?

I tend to rant. So, I’ll exercise some restraint and try to keep it brief and to the point, all the while entertaining. I’m sure I’ll find out soon enough whether or not we’ve succeeded.

Comments are always welcome. Opposing views are appreciated, but keep it cool and don’t throw down the name-calling or personal attacks. We’re all adults here, albeit kids at heart! A well-expressed, educated opinion will always be respected more than a “You’re wrong and you’re an asshole.” kinda statement.  

Sit back, get comfy, and enjoy the P0rn!

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