once a month. Still when we did it was fun time as I anticipated reading what the Chef had to say as much as anything else. Though I knew many of the things she would say going in like how great Transformers 2 was, or how totally awesome she thought Fifty Shades of Grey was.
Ok maybe I was being a little sarcastic with that last line.
But most importantly I think we both had fun doing this. Sure real life interjected itself but that is the way things work.
For me the year was actually really great on several fronts for me. One was having a girlfriend for the whole year. I have been with the same person for 18 months and needless to say the second I saw her I was intrigued. I did not know if I would ever go out with her when I first saw her two years ago at my current job. But it was that moment when you see a person and then want to know more about them. Whether it would be as a friend or as someone you might go out with someday. But I do remember that first sighting. I was at work with some rare downtime talking to my guys at work and they were talking about girls at the job they liked. I was my normal quiet self just listening not really saying too much. But then the guys starting say which ones they liked, and completely unprompted I pointed at my now girlfriend and said, “Nobody goes near her, she’s mine”. It was quite an act of boldness for me since I never do anything risky. But for me even then the seed of interest was in my mind about her. We did not wind up actually going out for another 9 months after that moment but it is something I always find funny when looking back that I would do something so outside my character. But there are moments in life when you step up and things feel right when you do them and this was one of those moments for me. And as I said having her has been such a great thing for me cause I have that person I can always talk to no matter what is going on and that is a really amazing feeling. She’s the one for me and I’m so happy to be with her.
Professionally as well things couldn’t be going better. It started off the year with an unexpected termination but that turned out to be a temporary setback as I was brought back with a promotion 6 weeks later. That in turn led to the creation of an entire department around me based on suggestions I made. It makes me immensely proud to know that my ideas lead to something tangible happening career wise and it has been everything I could have hoped for. My schedule is exactly what I wanted (Monday-Friday with weekends off), and I get to do a job that is considered the most important in my entire company. Needless to say that may seem like a lot of pressure but I take that as a compliment that they would want to put me in charge of that. They want to trust me with a job and know I won’t let them down.
In other ways I have had more fun than I have many years. I went to a hell of a lot of concerts as you know and had fun at each one of them. Well except for The Fray but you know why (and if you don’t go back and read that blog about concerts and it will fill in the gapes). I had fun just going out to eat with friends, playing video games (yes I’m 34 and I still play video games like Mass Effect 3 which was my favorite game of the year), and just enjoying life as best I could. Probably my favorite moment was the road trip down to Philly for the Radiohead concert. And out of that while I enjoyed the concert I much more enjoyed the people I went with. My lady, the Chef, and a short Puerto Rican. Don’t worry I’m not racist I just do not want to use him name in this blog. But this moment to me was the best of the year.
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He was heard exclaiming, "I AM NOT SHORT"!!!!!!! |
On a personal note I would be remiss without giving a shout out to my partner in crime in this wacky blog, the queen of mean, the mother of the f bomb, the angry Filipino to my calm Chinese that being the Chef Queenie herself. I had a blast doing this, partner. More importantly I got to do something with my best friend that reminded me how much I value our friendship….*sniff*. I’m not crying cause I’m being mushy my room is just really dirty and I got it in my eye ok? In all seriousness you are one of my best friends and it is an honor to have someone like you in my life. And if you ever need me to do anything for you I’m going to do it.
So let’s conclude this blog with me saying that I hope everyone has a great Christmas and a Happy New Year and I will see all of you in 2013. Now Chef hurry up and write your part of the blog so we can go play some Rock Band!
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**sniff, sniff** I got something in my eye...and nose...shut up... |
One Lucky Bitch
Twas the 18th of December
And all through the land
People are spending
All the cash in their hands
Their plastic is maxed
The bank accounts bare
But they need to buy everything
To show that they care
What will happen
To all of this stuff?
The gadgets and gizmos
The toys and the fluff?
Can love really be measured
By a gift or a card?
Can't they just show it?
Is it really that hard?
While packages are wrapped
And tied up in bows
As the post office ships out
The books and the clothes
Some of us wonder
Inside of our heads
If they can just skip it
And hide in their beds
Despite all the lights,
Despite all the cheer,
Despite all the carols
We don't want to hear
Some of us carry
A sadness or woe
A dark, hanging shadow
Who simply won't go
Some of us don't have
A lover to kiss
Under some mistletoe
In holiday bliss
At the Xmas parties;
Couples dancing and merry
We're are the bar
On the 3rd rum & cherry
Flipping through television
Where a Lexus is Love
Every Kiss begins with Ka$h
And the ring fits like a glove
Where you aren't good parents
Unless you buy all the toys
All the newest and coolest
To pay for their joy
Our love is validated
By the shape of the box,
The number of zeros,
The size of the rock
Our self-worth is equal to
Or within some kind of range
Of what you got stuck with
A some dumb gift exchange
I don't measure a person
By the tags on their shirts
The make of their boots
Or the brand of their skirt
The stuff that you have
Doesn't increase your value
Without all these things
Is there more to you?
I'm still not that famous
My accounts are quite low
I'm working real hard
But business is slow
I may not have luxuries
Or a home of my own
I may not have wheels
And I'm still paying off loans
The people I have
Are worth more than gold
They've stuck here beside me
Through the pain and the cold
Not many will ever
Have your best interest at heart
Not many will care
After the end of the start
As the lights all go out
And the trees are pulled down
How many people
Will still be around?
How many will call
Write you a letter?
After they see that
Their gift was better?
When the holiday is over
And the tinsel is tossed
My best friend is here
In the January frost
For 10 cent wing night at Croxleys
A toast to 10 Fidy Beer
Triple Crown Diner runs
Wearing our best bedroom gear
For a stroll through Tar-jaay
On a Sunday at 2
Followed by Red Robin
Or a decent craft brew
Karaoke in K-Town
Pho at 3 in the morn
We are out living
While others just snore
Some people makes lists
For the loot that they desire
They play with their toys
Forgetting the buyer
I am still wealthy
Though not at all rich
Because of my friendships
I'm one lucky bitch
Happy Almost Xmas to all.....now get the fuck out of my way with your damn packages!! I'm trying to deliver my cakes!
On a semi-serious note. J and I have had our ups and downs as friends; even going nearly a year without any contact. Whether it's my persistent neurosis or maybe his general way of not letting things bother him (making him seem apathetic about everything) that made us clash so hard when we did; I'm truly a very lucky person to be able to call him my friend. He has been there for me when I felt like I was utterly and completely alone. I've UGLY cried in front of the dude. That's serious friendship, man.
Many people will come into our lives, and many of them will walk right out of the same door they came in through. The one's we should cherish are the one's who come back anyway (despite the past) with a clean heart and a wiser head.
(And I know I still have to do my 2012 Recap. I thought the creative mushiness would distract you a little....like those cheap, shitty crackers people put out at dinner parties when they don't want to server dinner yet.) Enjoy the Ritz! Dinner is still cooking!
I love you guys! Hope to spend more time with y'all in 2012 and beyond. :D <3
ReplyDeleteSessa-pants!!!!! We love you, too! We should certainly make more time for each other this coming year. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you in your job hunt now that school is (almost) over for you! The media awaits your contribution!!!