Tuesday, November 27, 2012

The Year in Muszak

          It was a very good year to me musically. Definitely one of the most fun concert wise for me. Over fifteen concerts I saw a diverse lineup of acts both new and old. Most importantly I had fun doing it most of the time save for Fiona Apple, and Jay-Z (The former because of the crowd and the act itself, and the later due to the people who I went with that is not the Chef herself). Having said that except for the possibility of

Everything is Politics

Everything is Politics
                Honestly I hate what politics does to people. Much like religion it turns ordinary good people into biased, crazed, partial lunatics who cannot be talked to nor reasoned with. This presidential election I feel like has been a more heated, testy election then in any of the previous ones because of the state of the economy. Things are tough on everyone