Monday, August 6, 2012

Musically Inclined: Songs for Sobbing

Since J posted his "Music for the Masses" yesterday, and I sort of just gave them the 2 out of 3 thumbs up (I don't have 3 thumbs), I figured it was only fair to pick 3 of my own. Rather than digging deep into my iPod of musical memories and picking the best of the best, I decided to just go ahead and pick the three that I go to when feeling a certain way.

Isn't that why most of us love music; because of the emotions they evoke?

Songs to Sob To

"Somewhere Out There"
Linda Ronstadt & James Ingram

This classic tear-jerker is from that awesome animated cartoon "An American Tale" about a family of Russian mice who lose their son and spend the entire movie trying to get back to one another. If you haven't seen it, go find it on Netflix or grab yourself a Torrent (If kids are still doing Torrents these days. I hear they've moved on to more sophisticated ways of pirating.) Anyway, even though it's radio release is performed by Linda and James (awesome job, guys!), I don't start choking up until I hear it sung by the mouse. Nothing starts the water works like a tiny cartoon mouse singing slightly out of tune in the cutest voice imaginable. Pull out the Kleenex, you guys.

"Saying Goodbye"
The Muppets from "The Muppets Take Manhattan"

This is one of my all-time favorite movies EVER. Not only is it filmed in all the places I associate with my childhood growing up in NY, but the Muppets was the only reason my parents ever let me stay up to watch Prime Time tv when I was younger. I don't care how old I am, but this song will always tug at my inner child whenever I watch this movie. If it doesn't make your eyes mist just a little, you have NO HEART!

"At This Moment"
Billy Vera and the Beaters

If you grew up in the 80's, then you are all aware of the infamous "Alex Says Goodbye to Ellen" episode. Yes, I'm talking about Familiy Ties. It's one of those shows I caught up on at 5:00 in the afternoon after the after-school cartoons. I just remember watching this episode with the two of them going their separate ways and tears racing down my cheeks. It was one of the saddest memories from my childhood. I can't ever hear this song without my throat constricting and the sniffles coming on.

I didn't know which video to post- the montage from the sitcom or the actual song, which I truly adore and will listen to over and over on repeat every single time someone breaks my heart. So, for this ONE song, I'm posting both.


That's pretty much how I roll when the thunder rolls....(he he you see what I did there???) If you can watch any of these moments and listen to these songs and feel absolutely nothing whatsoever, then, I'm afraid you are emotionally dead with a cold, black stone where your heart should be. 

On a side note, J seems to think we should be publishing willy-nilly without waiting for the other. I feel that the format of this blog is the view of TWO people, rather than just one person. I think it's counterproductive to post without waiting for the other to throw in their 2 cents, but ever the team player, here I am posting on my own. I'm not happy with this format. Thoughts???


  1. Like being in a time capsule! I remember all these movies and shows. Wow! These MAY prick the old tear ducks....

    I agree that it should be a two-person back and forth deal. I know you two haven't written a post yet where you're butting heads but if I wanted to read something where it's only your thoughts or opinions then I would just go to one of your own blogs, Kat. I like reading the stuff here because it's two voices rather than just one.

    I think you two should pick something where your thoughts differ so you can really debate it. I like the way each of you write individually and it would be a great read to see you guys defend your view on opposing sides.

    1. You make an excellent point. I didn't want to be a hard ass about it, so I tried it this way, and the post feels incomplete.

  2. I guess we can chalk this up to a failed experiment. I didn't like the format either. Thank you for indulging me and attempt at trying something new. We'll be back with more Channing bashing momentarily.
