Monday, August 6, 2012

Musically Inclined: Songs for Sobbing

Since J posted his "Music for the Masses" yesterday, and I sort of just gave them the 2 out of 3 thumbs up (I don't have 3 thumbs), I figured it was only fair to pick 3 of my own. Rather than digging deep into my iPod of musical memories and picking the best of the best, I decided to just go ahead and pick the three that I go to when feeling a certain way.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Music For The Masses

 The Chef and I have been toying with this idea for awhile. Have random blog entries that are not long, twisting diatribes but short, to the point quick hitters about whatever we fancy. It is for us so we can keep the page constantly updated with new content, and it gives us a chance to put out there what has been on our