Monday, December 31, 2012

My 2012

How can I sum up my year now that I'm at the very last day of it? 

Pretty amazing.

With the Lights Out, It's Less Dangerous

My big ticket item in 2012 was my trip to Seattle. The Pacific Northwest has always been alluring to me, but moreso now that it's

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

A Moment Of Reflection

It is hard to believe that it have been a whole year of writing here at Robot P0rn. Honestly this endeavor has always been the Chef and I just writing our conversations down for you, our faithful reader to read and be bemused by. Cause really that is how it all started. If you go back to our very first post it told you’re the origin of this blog which was at the Triple Crown Diner in Bellerose, NY over a BLT and some potatoes and eggs. Needless to say I had a blast writing this year. The only thing I had wished is that we could have written more than we did. But the real world is a cruel mistress and it only allowed us to write about